Monday, February 14, 2011

8 months

Today marks two big days for Isaiah. It's his first valentines day and he's 8 months old! I can definitely say that this month I have noticed the most change and growth in him so far. This past month has come with a few first for our little boy. He has learned how to feed himself his puff cracker snacks. At first he would bring his hand up to his mouth and then the puff would fall out and he would look quite confused as he sucked on his "puff-less" fingers. Now he actually places it in his mouth and chews away. With every successful transfer of puff from hand to mouth he gets an encouraging cheer from mommy and daddy which leads to a very proud smile on his face that screams "I did it!". He has also gotten up on his hands and knees after much manipulation on our part to get him to bend his legs. He has very ticklish thighs so whenever we touch him he just cracks up...its very cute! There hasn't been any crawling yet but he's rocking back and forth which I am told means he will be crawling soon! Another exciting first (especially for his daddy) was Isaiah's first super bowl experience. We spent the day at the Girard's home eating all day and watching the game. Isaiah was sporting his first home-made superbowl shirt which Leith and I are very proud of :)
Amongst our usual day to day activities we are also attending a mom's group every tuesday morning with moms and kids from church. It has been such a blessing to connect with other moms and support eachother through our busy mom lives. I am still training for the half-marathon in june so Isaiah and I have been doing alot of jogging. On wednesday mornings we go jogging with my friend Amber and her two kids which has been so great for us.
This past month has come and gone so quickly and I will repeat that we have enjoyed every minute of it! Isaiah you bring more joy to our lives than you can imagine! We love you!
so many toys to play with I don't even know where to start!
so happy post-bath
we love meal time!
hands and knees!
bedtime story

leith painted the back of the shirt

watching the game with daddy

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