Friday, January 6, 2012

my creations

So I have always wanted to find a hobby I can be passionate about (other than shopping :)) but I never had the time or felt confident enough to try something new. A few months ago I was hitting a rough patch between morning sickness and having mixed feelings about being a stay-at-home mom. My always encouraging husband told me I should learn something new and see if it turns into a good hobby. I decided I wanted to learn how to sew and create things. After several hours of researching ideas and several trips to Joann's and Michaels I finally came up with some fun ideas. Pinterest also helped me a bit :)
So far, I have made a couple burp cloths for our daughter that is scheduled to arrive in April. I also am considering making her crib bedding if its not too complicated. I also started making fabric flower necklaces which I found tutorials for on Pinterest. I gave my sister and one of my best friends one each for christmas and they were a hit! I have had a few requests for necklaces in a variety of colors already! Below are some pictures of the first few necklaces and other fabric flower creations I have made. I will be selling the necklaces at $18 a piece, just let me know what color and which flower design you want. I have a few other designs I plan to work on and I will post those pictures when I am done.
burp cloths
(I am making a set of four for my best friend who is having a boy...stay tuned for pictures!)

rosette headband
(this was gifted to Isaiah's little girlfriend Eliana)

pom pom flower headband (flower was inspired by the pom pom necklace, I just made the flower larger)

pom pom necklace
(available in a variety of colors!)

cream pom pom necklace
(I used a rusted gold chain for this one instead of silver. You can choose which chain you want also.)

rosette flower necklace
(I made myself one in black with rhinestone center and a ribbon instead of a chain)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome crafts Pati! I'm amazed! You should consider starting an Etsy page. I don't know much about what's involved in selling on Etsy, but maybe it would interest you. I have a few friends who sell their home-made products on there and they really like working through the site.

    See you soon!
