Monday, May 3, 2010


Although I have heard so many times of this so called "nesting" stage that all pregnant women go through, I never exactly knew what that might feel like or when that sudden "urge to organize" would hit me. Well, I am proud to say that I am officially nesting! The realization that Isaiah will be here in 5 weeks has definitely caused Leith and I to literally re-arrange our lives (and furniture) in preparation for his arrival. Leith has worked hard and completed building the crib and changing table. I have already done several loads of laundry including crib sheets, burp cloths, and onsie after onsie. Drawers are beginning to fill up with all the great gifts that people have been so generous to give us. Toys are already piling up and he even responds to the ones that make noise! (today when I put one next to my belly he started kicking around.) I still have lots of work to do, but I think we are almost ready for him! Below are some pictures of what Isaiah's room looks like so far.

the "toys" bag was handmade by my dear friend Sara. It's so cute and I love it!

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