Tuesday, June 14, 2011

one year

Isaiah has made it through his first year of life and I think about it with tears of joy and a little sadness. I will explain the sadness first so you all dont think i am crazy. I feel like the year has gone so fast and although growing up comes with new stages and accomplishments, I will greatly miss the baby things. I miss when he would fall asleep on my chest for hours and when I could wear him around in my moby carrier. So many things I will miss about his baby stage but i look upon the future with joy and excitement.
Now for the exciting part...Isaiah is at the point of taking his first steps any day now! He has been cruising since he was 10 months old and each day he seems to get more and more comfortable with the idea of taking a step without holding mommy or daddy's hand. He stand independently quite well and is very proud of himself which he always makes sure to demonstrate with cheering and clapping. He has begun to climb on anything and everything and he also discovered where mom keeps the pots and pans. One of his favorite pass times recently is playing hide and seek with daddy. When Leith finds him he screams and crawls away as fast as his little arms and legs will allow. It's seriously the cutest thing I have ever seen. He made sure to top off the year by saying "mama" to me yesterday as he stood at my feet pulling on my pant leg. It was so amazing!!!! I love that little guy!
I have experienced more changes in the past year than ever in my life. It has not all been easy but man it's been interesting and fun! My life completely changed when Isaiah entered it. He has brought me more joy that I could have ever imagined. He has taught me to appreciate the little things in life. His smile melts my heart and his laugh is contagious! We can't wait to see what God has in store for our little man. Our hope and prayer is that He will grow up to be a man after God's heart and that we can raise him in the manner that God wants us to. Isaiah we love you more than you will ever know!

the first time we looked into each other's eyes

Happy Birthday!

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