Monday, June 13, 2011

rock n roll half marathon

After almost six months of training I am proud to say that I finally completed the half marathon that was looming over my head for a long time it seems. Throughout my training I remember being so hard on myself when it came to reaching my goals and decreasing my walking time and people would tell me that on race day the adrenaline would change everything...its so true! Sara and I ran almost the entire 13.1 miles! I the last two miles were the hardest part for me because by right calf stiffened up and my foot went numb. Surprisingly it was harder to walk than run! During the run I saw so many people running with pictures of friends or family members on their shirts to whom they were dedicating their race since it was to support the leukemia and lymphoma society. The pictures and cheering brought chills all over my body and tears to my eyes. I had been training all this time with a personal goal and didn't even think that people were running in honor of someone they loved who had battled such a horrible illness. It was a huge eye opener and such an encouragement that I could accomplish what was ahead of me. I am so proud of Sara, her dad, and myself for taking on this challenge and seeing it through till the end. Thanks to all of those who have been supporting me through my training and who cheered me on during the race. Rock on!

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